Friday, April 18, 2014

Juicing Time is Healthy Time!

My sons' birthday is over and i have left over of sliced tomatoes and cucumber that was used for salsa dip for nachos. I was thinking of what can i do to all of these left over, and i also have pineapples to add on. Then it came to my mind of why not juice it since i owned a juicer! I just wonder if finely sliced tomatoes and cucumber could work on with the juicer..let's see!
sliced TCP (Tomato, Cucumber, Pineapple)

I heard that juicing is beneficial for our health. Many articles of juicing are popping out to share the benefits they got in taking concoction from fresh fruits and vegetables. Many people are getting more aware of wellness thing in a woozy world. I hope I could start a healthy lifestyle gradually in my own little way by juicing.

Let me share with you how we did it together with my youngest son. It is very easy to make if you have juicer! Just put the combinations of fruits and vegetables you would like to make for juice in the juicer starting with the leafy, follow with soft and finish with hard veggies or fruits.The juicer will extract the juice and leaving off the pulp and fiber. Pour the juice in a glass with ice and ready to drink!

Prepare the Juicer and the fresh fruits and veggies

Let's start Juicing!

extract  some juice!

I know that this would be perfect for a hot weather here in the Philippines today--ice cold freshly fruit and vegetable concoction...REFRESHING!

Ready to get Healthy!

TCP Juice for me!

Fresh pineapple juice for kids
Basic Steps in Juicing

1. Wash all fruits, vegetables and herbs well
2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for juicing—every juicer machine is different.
3. Add the most delicate ingredients first, such as leafy greens and herbs.
4. Follow with soft vegetables and/or fruits (tomatoes, berries, etc.).
5. Finish with hard vegetables and/or fruits (apples, celery, etc.).
6. Drink fresh juice within a day or freeze it.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. Corithians 6:19-20


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