Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Toms One Day Without Shoes

In May 10,2016, Toms One Day #withoutshoes held at Westgate Alabang where people spent a day #withoutshoes to raise awareness for children's health and education. We walked around the area with bare feet. Me and my friend were whining of how hot the cement to our sole but quickly I realized that this event is awareness that there are children in other places around the globe have none even a pair and there is no choice for them but to be in bare feet no matter what the weather is.

Toms' advocacy is One for One. For every pair that you buy, they will match it with a pair to give to a child in need. It was started in 2006 and this year, proudly they are in their 10th year of giving, with total of sixty million pairs of shoes donated to ten countries.  The whole event were full of entertainment and freebies that we really enjoyed and forget about whining with hot weather that day.

 Let us help Toms reached their dream, that some day, all kids will have shoes.