Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bread & Butter Home-based Bakeshop

It has been four months since I wrote my last blog in June. That is because I got busy honing another skill. This time, not in cooking delish foods but of baking. Once I got interested on doing things, I really focus on it, exert time and effort and put my heart in learning such.

Hubby and I were praying for an opportunity to put up a business in preparation for his retirement day ten years from now. Though I know how to cook (talent I got from my parents who were both good in cooking), I realized it would be hard for me to run a carinderia or restaurant that will also need a big capital to start. So i opted to think on another business options where I can earn even when at home. I tried selling different goodies but it is not enough. Until it came to my mind to learn the baking. Yes, baking bread.
In 2011, I had the opportunity to attend a BOS2 or Business Opportunity Session 2 conducted by San Miguel Corp. I, together with my bestfriend Joy attended the one-day class of making bread.
It was interesting to just watch our instructor, Chef Paul Camaclang on how he demonstrated making different kinds of bread. We get the chance to participate in molding the siopao too!

I once thought it was easy by looking how it (whole process in making bread) was done. I never tried it at home after that session because i dont own an oven 😐 Until such in July 2015 when I bought a toaster, that was when I first tried to make the famous Filipino bread in the morning--Pan De Sal!

 I can truly say that baking bread is a serious thing! You need a lot of patience, perseverance and passion in doing it. I almost gave up on the kneading part which needed strength to give a good result for the dough which in effect to have a good bread. It was a trial and error process in doing so. But I thank God because i did not give up and enjoy it a lot. I also learned other variants of bread aside from pan de sal.

Little did I know that this would be the answer to what we are praying for--now I manage our own small home-based bread business and looking forward to find a perfect place for our own bakery that I could display the bread of my labor. I would like to personally thank sweet ambitions video tutie in youtube for unselfishly sharing her bread recipes that I use as guide for making good bread.

From selling bread everyday, I had a chance to mingle with my neighbors and thru their sharing of someone they know who studied baking, which did not pursue in baking bread. I understand them why? Because they simply give up. They did not persevere the hardship in kneading (the most challenging part of making bread).

I therefore conclude that even you attended  in a baking (bread making) class if you don't have the passion, perseverance and patience you will not eat the bread of what you have learned. As a challenge, pursue baking bread, because the saying "practice makes perfect" is still true.

Bread – like real love – took time, cultivation, strong loving hands and patience. It lived, rising and growing to fruition only under the most perfect circumstances.

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